Monte Alevedo

Monte Alevedo

Hipster-friendly internet junkie. Web lover. Amateur bacon junkie. Passionate tv lover. Twitter nerd. Infuriatingly humble beer advocate.

63 Posts Written
Grilling: Vegan Cooking Tips and Techniques

Grilling: Vegan Cooking Tips and Techniques

Grilling is an excellent way to make delicious vegan dishes. Whether you're a beginner or experienced griller, there are...

Granola and Muesli: All You Need to Know

Granola and Muesli: All You Need to Know

Granola and muesli are popular breakfast options for those looking to add some nutritious and delicious ingredients to...

Replacing Meat and Fish: What Are Your Options?

Replacing Meat and Fish: What Are Your Options?

With the rise of veganism and plant-based diets, more and more people are looking for alternatives to traditional sources ...

Everything You Need To Know About Nuts and Seeds

Everything You Need To Know About Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are an integral part of a vegan lifestyle, providing a variety of different flavors, textures, and health...

Vegan Pancakes and Waffles: A Comprehensive Guide

Vegan Pancakes and Waffles: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for a delicious way to start your day? Look no further than vegan pancakes and waffles! In this...

30-Day Vegan Meal Plan for Weight Loss

30-Day Vegan Meal Plan for Weight Loss

If you're looking for a way to lose weight and get healthier, a 30-day vegan meal plan could be the answer. Eating a...

Calcium: A Comprehensive Overview for Vegans

Calcium: A Comprehensive Overview for Vegans

Vegans are often faced with the challenge of ensuring adequate nutrition in their diets. Calcium is an essential nutrient ...

Exploring Local Vegan Ingredients

Exploring Local Vegan Ingredients

Are you a vegan looking to explore new ingredients? Or do you want to learn more about the local vegan scene? Either way, ...

Cakes and Cookies: A Delicious Dessert Recipe Roundup

Cakes and Cookies: A Delicious Dessert Recipe Roundup

Who doesn't love a good cake and cookie? Whether you're looking for a vegan-friendly treat or a decadent dessert, cakes...

Sandwiches and Burgers: A Delicious Guide

Sandwiches and Burgers: A Delicious Guide

Sandwiches and burgers are two of the most delicious, beloved and versatile dishes out there! Whether you're a vegan...

7-Day Vegan Meal Plan for Beginners

7-Day Vegan Meal Plan for Beginners

Are you a vegan who's looking to get started with a healthy and nutritious 7-day meal plan? Look no further! This article ...

Substituting Vegan Ingredients in Recipes

Substituting Vegan Ingredients in Recipes

Are you looking for ways to make your favorite recipes vegan-friendly? If so, you've come to the right place!...

Planning Meals Around Seasonal Produce

Planning Meals Around Seasonal Produce

Eating seasonally has been a popular trend for years, and for good reason! Eating seasonally not only supports local...

Making the Most of Leftovers - Vegan Meal Planning Tips and Techniques

Making the Most of Leftovers - Vegan Meal Planning Tips and Techniques

Most of us have experienced the frustration of throwing away food that's gone bad or having to toss out leftovers that...

The Benefits of Tofu Fermentation Process

The Benefits of Tofu Fermentation Process

Tofu is a popular food choice for many vegetarians and vegans, as it is a great source of protein and other essential...

Vegan Baking Tips and Techniques

Vegan Baking Tips and Techniques

Are you looking for some delicious vegan baking tips and techniques? Whether you're a novice baker or a seasoned pro,...

Herbs and Spices: An Introduction

Herbs and Spices: An Introduction

Herbs and spices are a vital part of any vegan diet. They add flavor and complexity to dishes, as well as providing...

Cooking without Oil or Butter: A Vegan Cooking Guide

Cooking without Oil or Butter: A Vegan Cooking Guide

Are you looking for a vegan cooking guide that shows you how to cook without oil or butter? If so, you have come to the...

Oatmeal and Porridge: A Comprehensive Overview

Oatmeal and Porridge: A Comprehensive Overview

Oatmeal and porridge are two of the most popular breakfast staples around the world. Whether you're vegan or not, oatmeal ...

Fruits and Vegetables: A Comprehensive Overview

Fruits and Vegetables: A Comprehensive Overview

From sweet apples to zesty zucchinis, fruits and vegetables have been at the cornerstone of healthy diets for centuries....

Mixers and Blenders: A Vegan Kitchen Essential

Mixers and Blenders: A Vegan Kitchen Essential

For vegans, having the right kitchen tools and equipment is essential for creating delicious, healthy dishes. Mixers and...

Exploring Steaming - A Vegan Cooking Method

Exploring Steaming - A Vegan Cooking Method

As vegan cooking has become increasingly popular, so too have the methods by which vegan dishes are prepared. One of...

Meal Prepping for Vegans: A Comprehensive Guide

Meal Prepping for Vegans: A Comprehensive Guide

Eating vegan can be a challenge, but meal prepping can make it much easier. Meal prepping is a great way to make sure you ...

The Benefits of Eating Tempeh: A Comprehensive Guide

The Benefits of Eating Tempeh: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever heard of tempeh before? If not, you’re missing out on oneof the most beneficial and versatile...

The Benefits of Vegan Energy Bars

The Benefits of Vegan Energy Bars

If you're looking for a healthy and delicious snack that packs a powerful punch of energy and nutrition, vegan energy...

The Benefits of Eating Tofu for Health

The Benefits of Eating Tofu for Health

Forget what you think you know about tofu - this nutritious and versatilefood has been enjoyed for centuries, and it is...

Organic Vegan Ingredients: A Comprehensive Overview

Organic Vegan Ingredients: A Comprehensive Overview

Are you looking for the best organic vegan ingredients to create delicious, healthy meals? Look no further! This...

Sauteeing: An Introduction to the Vegan Cooking Method

Sauteeing: An Introduction to the Vegan Cooking Method

Sauteeing is a popular vegan cooking method that is perfect for creating delicious, healthful dishes. Whether you're a...

Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Do you want to know everything about Omega-3 fatty acids? If so, you've come to the right place. Omega-3 fatty acids are...

Plant-Based Oils: Everything You Need To Know

Plant-Based Oils: Everything You Need To Know

Are you looking for plant-based oils to add to your vegan recipes? You've come to the right place! In this article, we'll ...

Healthy and Delicious Raw Vegan Snack Recipes

Healthy and Delicious Raw Vegan Snack Recipes

Do you want to try something different for your snacks? Healthy and delicious raw vegan snacks are an excellent way to...

Vitamin B12: All You Need to Know

Vitamin B12: All You Need to Know

Vitamin B12 is a key nutrient that is essential for a healthy body, but many vegans are at risk of deficiency. As a...

Boiling: A Vegan Cooking Technique

Boiling: A Vegan Cooking Technique

Cooking vegan dishes can be a daunting task for many home cooks, but it doesn't have to be! Boiling is a versatile vegan...

Delicious Salads and Wraps for Vegan Recipes

Delicious Salads and Wraps for Vegan Recipes

Are you looking for delicious vegan salads and wraps recipes that are both healthy and tasty? Look no further! This...

Iron: A Key Nutrient for Vegans

Iron: A Key Nutrient for Vegans

Veganism is a lifestyle choice that is becoming increasingly popular, with more people choosing to follow a plant-based...

Vitamin D for Vegans: A Comprehensive Overview

Vitamin D for Vegans: A Comprehensive Overview

Vegans have unique nutritional needs, and getting enough vitamin D is one of them. For those following a vegan lifestyle, ...

Knives and Cutting Boards: Cooking Tips and Techniques for Vegans

Knives and Cutting Boards: Cooking Tips and Techniques for Vegans

Are you a vegan looking for cooking tips and techniques to help you use knives and cutting boards? If so, you've come to...

Everything You Need to Know About Protein

Everything You Need to Know About Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient for every human body. It is a building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, blood, ...

Ethically-sourced Vegan Ingredients: An In-depth Look

Ethically-sourced Vegan Ingredients: An In-depth Look

Eating a vegan diet is often seen as a healthier way of living, and many people are looking for ethically-sourced vegan...

Pasta Dishes: A Comprehensive Overview

Pasta Dishes: A Comprehensive Overview

Pasta dishes are a classic staple in Italian, Mediterranean, and other global cuisines. From creamy carbonara to hearty...

Smoothies and Shakes: A Vegan Recipe for Breakfast

Smoothies and Shakes: A Vegan Recipe for Breakfast

Do you want to start your day with a delicious, healthy, and vegan breakfast? Look no further than smoothies and shakes!...

Grains and Legumes - A Closer Look

Grains and Legumes - A Closer Look

When it comes to vegan diets, grains and legumes are two of the most important ingredients. These two ingredients form...

Fruit-Based Desserts: A Delicious and Healthy Option

Fruit-Based Desserts: A Delicious and Healthy Option

If you're looking for a delicious and healthy dessert option, look no further than fruit-based desserts! Fruits are...

Plant-Based Milks: An Overview

Plant-Based Milks: An Overview

With the rising trend of veganism, plant-based milks have quickly become an essential part of many people's diets. But...

Vegan Ice Cream and Sorbet: A Delicious and Refreshing Treat

Vegan Ice Cream and Sorbet: A Delicious and Refreshing Treat

Vegan ice cream and sorbet can be a delicious and refreshing treat. Whether you're looking for a cool and creamy treat on ...

Pressure Cookers and Slow Cookers: Vegan Cooking Tips and Techniques

Pressure Cookers and Slow Cookers: Vegan Cooking Tips and Techniques

Are you looking for a way to cook vegan meals quickly and efficiently? Pressure cookers and slow cookers are two kitchen...

Replacing Dairy Products: Substitutions for Animal Products

Replacing Dairy Products: Substitutions for Animal Products

Living a vegan lifestyle can be a rewarding and healthy choice, but it can also be challenging when it comes to the...

Using Plant-Based Proteins: Tips and Techniques for Vegans

Using Plant-Based Proteins: Tips and Techniques for Vegans

Are you looking for delicious and nutritious vegan recipes that are packed with plant-based proteins? If so, then...

Replacing Eggs - A Comprehensive Overview

Replacing Eggs - A Comprehensive Overview

Eggs are a popular ingredient in many dishes, but they are not always suitable for everyone. Whether you are vegan, have...

No-Bake Vegan Treats: The Perfect Snack

No-Bake Vegan Treats: The Perfect Snack

Are you looking for a delicious snack that doesn't require baking and is also vegan? Look no further! No-bake vegan...

3-Day Vegan Meal Plan for Athletes

3-Day Vegan Meal Plan for Athletes

Are you an athlete who wants to switch to a vegan diet? Not sure how to get enough energy and nutrition? Look no further! ...

Healthy and Delicious Tempeh and Quinoa Recipe

Healthy and Delicious Tempeh and Quinoa Recipe

Are you looking for a healthy and delicious meal that is easy to make? Look no further than this simple tempeh and quinoa ...

Roasting: A Vegan Cooking Technique

Roasting: A Vegan Cooking Technique

Roasting is a popular vegan cooking technique that can be used to create delicious and nutritious meals. It involves...

The Ultimate Guide to Soups and Stews

The Ultimate Guide to Soups and Stews

Nothing is more comforting than a hot bowl of soup or stew, especially on a cold day. Soups and stews are incredibly...

Everything You Need to Know About Food Processors and Graters

Everything You Need to Know About Food Processors and Graters

Are you looking to make vegan cooking easier and more efficient? If so, then food processors and graters are essential...

Replacing Honey: Understanding Vegan Alternatives

Replacing Honey: Understanding Vegan Alternatives

Are you looking for a vegan alternative to honey? With the increasing awareness of animal welfare, many people are now...